Foi anunciado esta semana que o grupo terrorista islâmico, Estado Islâmico, que domina região entre Síria e Iraque e traz muita destruição, decapitações, e até crucificações de cristãos, irá produzir sua prórpia moeda.
O nome da moeda, como não podia deixar de ser, será dinar, moeda usada no século 7, logo após a morte de Maomé, pelo califa Uthman, que foi o terceiro califa, casado com duas filhas de Maomé e que morreu assassinado, como três dos quatro primeiros califas.
Diferente das outras moedas chamadas dinar atualmente, as moedas dinar do Esatdo Islâmico serão de ouro e prata. Como um grupo terrorista consegue ter condições de ter recursos suficientes para lançar moedas de ouro e prata?
O jornal Daily Mail responde: contrabando de petróleo, pagamentos de resgate por sequestros e financiamento de ricos doadores pelo mundo.
Aqui vai parte do texto do jornal Daily Mail:
Now ISIS wants to introduce its own currency: Plans to bring back solid gold and silver dinar coins announced in Iraqi mosques
ISIS wants to introduce its own currency and plans to bring back solid gold and silver dinar coins, it has emerged.
The Middle East terror group apparently wants to introduce its own Islamic currency as part of its attempts to solidify its makeshift caliphate.
The currency known as the dinar, which once consisted purely of gold and silver coins, is today used by a variety of countries, but the coins are created from different materials to the originals.
However, the jihadi group is understood to be planning to return to the original gold and silver coins, which were first introduced during the Caliphate of Uthman in 634 CE.
The original Islamic dinar was a gold coin which was the weight of gold equivalent to 4.3 grams. Its silver counterpart, known as the Islamic dirham, was a silver coin equal in weight to 3 grams of silver.
It is believed the terror outfit wants to use the independent currency in areas it controls as part of its war on the West.
The currency, which could be introduced within the next few weeks, will involve changing from regular dinars and Lira to golden dinars and silver dirhams.
Last month, it emerged that ISIS, which also goes by the name Islamic State, is raking in money at a remarkable rate - earning about $1million a day from black market oil sales alone.
The group extracts oil from territory captured across Syria and Iraq, and sells it to smugglers.
David Cohen, who leads the Treasury Department's effort to undermine the Islamic State's finances, said the extremists also get several million dollars a month from wealthy donors, extortion rackets and other criminal activities, such as robbing banks.
In addition, he said the group has taken in at least $20million in ransom payments this year from kidnappings.
(Agradeço o texto do Daily Mail ao site Weasel Zippers)
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