A União Europeia logo no pós-guerra foi estimulado pela ideia de união em volta de valores do cristianismo, especialmente líderes católicos. Robert Schumann, Jean Monet, Konrad Adenauer e Alcide de Gasperi, eram devotos líderes católicos. Schumann (foto acima) e Gasperi estão inclusive em processo de canonização, eles advogaram o cristianismo europeu em defesa da Europa unida. Eles são considerados os fundadores da União Europeia.
Mas será que a atual União Europeia era o que eles tinham em mente? A União Europeia de hoje renega os valores cristãos em prol do que chama de valores seculares.
De que lado está a Doutrina da Igreja? Em que votariam os teólogos sociais da Igreja, ficar ou deixar a União Europeia? A Doutrina defende dois princípios: solidariedade e subsidiaridade. Os dois princípios precisam do cristianismo para se desenvolver apropriadamente.
Joanna Bogle no site Catholic.com escreveu um bom artigo sobre isso.
Vejam parte do texto de Joanna abaixo:
Brexit and Catholic Social Teaching
June 24, 2016 | 30 comments

Precursor of the EU
The European Community—or Common Market as it was called in Britain in the 1960s and ’70s when suggestions were first made about British membership—always included the notion of some form of full political unity and integration. But it seemed a distant possibility right up until the 1980s. Britain joined in the early ’70s amid promises that political unity would never happen. Suggestions that it was on the agenda were met with scoffs from enthusiasts for the European project.
Pope St. John Paul II spoke often and with passion about Europe, calling for a revival of the Christian faith that had shaped European culture and values. He lifted the whole debate about Europe—not only in his native Poland but also in the hearts of Catholics across the continent—to a different level. But did he insist on the need for full political integration? And was the European Union that emerged into the twenty-first century one consonant with Catholic values?
And so to Brexit. Spiritual values and Catholic social teaching did not feature in the campaign. The issues were political and economic, many simply assuming that leaving the EU would be a financial disaster and voting accordingly. The main issue at stake was what even some Euro-enthusiasts admitted was a “democratic deficit”: the complete lack of any accountability on the part of the unelected bureaucrats running the EU. To a nation proud of its Parliamentary traditions, this is a major issue.
Catholics in Britain were and are divided on Brexit. Some (I’m one) believe that the EU stands in opposition to Church’s understanding of the need for subsidiarity, i.e., the principle that decisions should be taken by the smaller and more responsible levels of community life rather than the larger, the opposite corollary being that huge, impersonal organizations and structures are contrary to real human needs. Others argue that the original ideals of the founders of the whole project could still resonate and that opposition is centered on nationalism and is small-minded, even bigoted.
Meanwhile, from the general Catholic perspective, Europe’s need is not for political union, but for re-evangelization and a great Christian renewal. Nationalism is on the rise and could do much harm. Something deep and real needs to be on offer.
Post-Brexit, Britain will need work closely with Europe. How could it be otherwise, when cheap jet flights, the Internet, mobile phones, and the Channel Tunnel combine to make isolationism merely a bizarre nonstarter every day of the week? We may joke about enjoying warm beer and village cricket, but the reality is that a multiracial Britain shares with the rest of Europe common concerns on everything from militant Islam to drug abuse and family breakup.
Brexit will turn out to be a good decision. But to resolve Europe’s real problems, we should look to that Christian faith that has shaped Britain and the rest of Europe for centuries—and pray for its revival.
Joanna Bogle is an author, broadcaster, and journalist living in London with her husband, a lawyer. Her most recent book is English Catholic Heroines...
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