segunda-feira, 17 de junho de 2019

Lord Monckton Reponde ao Papa sobre Mudanças Climáticas

Diante da defesa intransigente do Papa para que o mundo elabore um imposto sobre o carbono para combater a suposta influência destrutiva do gás, Lord Monckton, que foi assessor político de Margareth Thacther e é reconhecido por sua posição sobre mudanças climáticas, resolveu escrever uma carta aberta ao Papa Francisco, mostrando ao Papa onde ele se meteu.

É uma carta cheia de ironia ao pensamento do Papa, que deveria cuidar dos fiéis e acabou se metendo em assuntos que ele não entende e nem ouviu o que dizem os cientistas.

Lord Monckton ataca todos os pontos da fala do Papa Francisco sobre mudanças climáticas e alerta que a ciência não está do lado do desespero do Papa.

Lond Monckton colocou o Papa junto do "totalitários" que querem dominar a economia e cultura do mundo. Esses totalitários "esqueceram que o Sol brilha", isto é, os "totalitários" não estão considerando aspectos cruciais para determinação do clima global. E  esses "totalitários", presentes nas instituições multilateriais como o Banco Mundial, estão deixando de financiar projetos de energia em gás e óleo em nome da tal mudança climática e assim deixam muitas pessoas pobres na África sem acesso a fontes energéticas.

Lond Monckton finaliza dizendo que a posição do Papa em relação ao clima não é justificável nem cientificamente nem teologicamente, e ainda propaga a morte entre os mais pobres.

Aqui vai parte a Carta Aberta divulgada no site Climate Depot:

An open letter to His Holiness Pope Francis about the weather
By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley – Former advisor to UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
Now that the amiable British habit of talking about the weather – like so much that originates in these inventive islands – has been adopted worldwide, perhaps I may sound a respectful cautionary note.
A few days ago, at yet another meeting about global warming, er, climate change, um, climate disruption, aargh, climate emergency at the elegant palace of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in the Vatican gardens, Your Holiness saw fit to stray from the missio canonica of the successors of St Peter, which is to uphold the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith. See:

  • Pope begs ‘climate deniers’ to listen to science
  • Pope Francis Urges Carbon Tax to Avert Climate ‘Catastrophe’

  • Pope calls for carbon tax to fight ‘climate emergency’
  • Your Holiness is reported as having told chief executives of oil companies and investment houses that inflicting heavy taxes on their corporate emissions of the satanic gas carbon dioxide was “essential” to prevent dangerous “global warming”. With respect, that was off message.
    What is more, Your Holiness proclaimed that “we have collectively failed to listen to the fruits of scientific analysis, and doomsday predictions can no longer be met with irony or disdain.”
    Well, I have listened carefully, and I can inform Your Holiness that science is divided on the climate question. A small number of totalitarian profiteers of doom in various self-serving national academies have issued pompous statements about it, but a large number of papers from reputable scientists, and a larger amount of hard data, suggest that global warming is and will continue to be a non-event.
    Consider the warming from 1850-2011. It was just 0.75 degrees, equivalent to 1 degree of warming in response to doubled CO2 concentration. That is less than a third of the 3.35 degrees that is the totalitarian scientists’ grossly inflated midrange prediction.
    The totalitarians got the science wrong. They made a strikingly elementary error of physics. They forgot the Sun was shining. So they misallocated the feedback response to the Sun, erroneously counting it as part of the feedback response to greenhouse gases. Their predictions should be one-third of their current midrange estimates.
    What that means, Your Holiness, is that the global warming that will happen between now and the exhaustion of accessible resources of coal, oil and gas will be small, slow, harmless and net-beneficial.The same cannot be said of the insane policies currently being inflicted upon the world’s blameless population by crazed Western extremists, now unwisely supported by Your Holiness.
    Why has Your Holiness never spoken out in condemnation of the World Bank, which, from 2010 onward, refused and still refuses – citing global warming as their rationale – to lend to developing countries so that they can build coal-fired power stations? This dismal institution has decided that from this year it will not lend for oil or gas projects either, for the same reason.
    And what is the effect of this wicked policy? Let me repeat the figures I gave recently here. According to the International Energy Agency, 1.3 billion people – one in six worldwide – has no access to electrical power, even though the Agency defines “access” as the ability to turn on no more than one 60-Watt lightbulb for an average of just four hours a day.
    The World Health Organization estimates that 4.3 million people die every year from particulate pollution in open cooking fires because they have no mains electricity or gas, and that another 500,000 women die in childbirth each year because they have no electricity. These are just a small fraction of the tens of millions who die in developing countries each year because they cannot so much as turn on a light.
    In darkest sub-Saharan Africa, where there is hardly any electricity, life expectancy is about 65 years, compared with 80 years in the electrified West. And it’s no good telling third-world countries they should install solar panels and windfarms: the electricity produced by these boondoggles is up to five times costlier than proper electricity from coal-fired power stations. They can’t afford it (and nor, come to that, can we).
    A few more scientific facts. First, sea level, the mother of all scares. The sea is not rising at a rate equivalent to 33 cm/century, as the totalitarians claim. It is rising at only 11 cm/century.
    Floods? Schumds. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, neither the frequency nor the intensity of flooding has changed or will change as a result of global warming.
    Droughts, then? The most comprehensive survey ever conducted, just five years ago, showed that in the previous 35 years the percentage of global land area under drought had declined.
    Food production? Output of all staple crops is increasing rapidly worldwide. Warmer weather is good for them, because they breathe in carbon dioxide. CO2 is not a satanic gas. It is plant food.
    Forest fires? The acreages destroyed in forest fires have been declining worldwide for 30 years.
    Hurricanes, tropical cyclones and tornadoes? All in decline. Why? Because warmer weather reduces the temperature differentials that power such storms.
    Deaths from extreme weather? Over the past 100 years, the number of weather-related deaths has plummeted worldwide. What is more, research for the EU Commission found – to the unelected Kommissars’ horror – that in the next 100 years deaths from global warming will be comfortably outstripped by lives saved from cold weather. More people will live than will die if the world continues to warm, because warm weather is better than cold weather.
    Cuddly polar bears? They’re not cuddly, but there are now thought to be 35,000 of them, compared with just 5000 in the 1940s. Hardly the profile of a species at imminent threat of extinction.
    Given the egregious lack of evidence for harm caused by warmer weather, and the overwhelming evidence that current global-warming policies are killing tens of millions, I invite Your Holiness to speak up for the poor who are poor, and dying, because the policies Your Holiness imprudently advocates are not just scientifically unjustifiable, not just theologically off message. They are – not to put too fine a point on it – actually genocidal.

  • sexta-feira, 14 de junho de 2019

    Papa Francisco Defende Imposto sobre Carbono. Segundo ele, o Mundo vai Acabar Logo.

    Meu Deus, ele chegou atrasado, o mundo já acabou segundo o que nos disse Al Gore por volta de 2006. O Papa defende que o mundo adote urgentemente um imposto sobre carbono, caso contrário o aquecimento global vai destruir o mundo em breve. Sem falar, que ele ainda falou em temperaturas, disse que acredita que as temperaturas aumentarão em 1,5º C.

    É muito ridículo, não dá nem para comentar. E mais ridículo ainda porque supostamente temos um representante de uma religião a falar do fim do mundo por conta de um gás, que na cabeça dele, destruiria o mundo.

    Vejam reportagem do Breibart sobre o assunto que ainda lembra a ironia de um papa que vive falando contra a "política do medo" em defesa dos imigrantes muçulmanos mas agora pratica uma política de desespero climático.

    Pope Francis Urges Carbon Penalties to Avert Climate ‘Catastrophe

    ROME — Pope Francis warned of disastrous consequences if humanity does not immediately react to the threat of climate change, since the world has reached a “critical moment” and there is no time to waste.

    “Dear friends, time is running out!” the pope told a group of participants in a Vatican-sponsored conference on energy transition Friday. “We cannot afford the luxury of waiting for others to come forward or of prioritizing short-term economic benefits. The climate crisis requires decisive action from us, here and now.”
    Despite the pontiff’s frequent denunciation of a “politics of fear,” he seemed determined to paint as frightening a picture as possible of an impending climate apocalypse in order to incite people to action.
    This conference “takes place at a critical moment,” Francis said. “Today’s ecological crisis, especially climate change, threatens the very future of the human family, and this is not an exaggeration. For too long we have collectively ignored the fruits of scientific analysis, and catastrophic predictions can no longer be viewed with contempt and irony.”
    The pope’s words Friday went beyond sounding a general alarm and scorning climate-change skeptics. They also urged specific political action, most notably regarding penalties for carbon usage such as a carbon tax.
    “A carbon pricing policy is essential if humanity wants to use the resources of creation wisely,” he said. “The failure to manage carbon emissions has produced a huge debt that will now have to be repaid with interest from those who come after us.”
    The cost of carbon usage must be paid here and now by those who use it, and not deferred for future generations to cover, he proposed.
    “Our use of common environmental resources can be considered ethical only when the social and economic costs of their use are recognized in a transparent manner and are fully sustained by those who use them, rather than by other populations or future generations,” he said.
    The pope reiterated the popular belief that “the effects on the climate will be catastrophic if we exceed the 1.5ºC threshold outlined in the Paris Agreement goals,” for which we have “only a little over a decade.”
    “In the face of a climatic emergency, we must take appropriate measures, in order to avoid committing a grave injustice towards the poor and future generations. We must act responsibly well considering the impact of our actions in the short and long term,” he said.
    “Future generations are soon to inherit a very ruined world,” the pontiff stressed. “Our children and grandchildren should not have to pay the cost of the irresponsibility of our generation.”
    Appearing to take a page from AOC’s Green New Deal, Francis expressed his conviction that an energy transition from fossil fuels to a low-carbon society “can generate new employment opportunities, reduce inequality, and increase the quality of life for those affected by climate change.”
    Today “a radical energy transition is needed to save our common home,” he warned. “There is still hope and the time remains to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, provided that there is prompt and resolute action.”

    terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2019

    O Capitalismo da Morte_ 180 Companhias Defendem o Aborto no New York Times

    Defender a economia ou lutar pelos "costumes"? Muitos no Brasil acham que a "reforma da previdência" ou "a produtividade do povo" são mais importantes do que se preocupar com questões familiares, aborto, ou casamento gay.

    180 presidentes (CEO_chief executive offcer) de empresas assinaram campanha no New York Times dizendo que as leis de Alabama, Georgia e Missouri contra o aborto são ruins para os negócios.

    Isto é, eles acham que é melhor matar criança do que prejudicar os negócios deles. Ou, eles querem os seus funcionários sem filhos para eles lhes darem mais dinheiro (serem mais produtivos).

    É o capitalismo da morte. Entre as empresas estão os CEOs do Twitter e do H&M.

    Vejam texto do Daily Wire.

    CEOs From 180 Companies, Including Twitter And H&M, Pen Letter Opposing State Abortion Laws

    CEOs from 180 companies signed on to a full-page ad in The New York Times released Monday, claiming recent restrictive abortion laws passed in states like Georgia, Alabama, and Missouri are "bad for business."
    The list of CEOs includes Twitter's Jack Dorsey (though, after his name, he lists his other company, payment processor, Square) as well as the heads of Postmates, Slack, Yelp, H&M, and Tinder, as well as a handful of fashion designers and Ben and Jerry of Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
    The letter claims that "it's time for companies to stand up for reproductive health care," and that restricting abortion is "bad for business," though the letter makes no real connection between the availability of abortion and the business climate of a particular state. Instead, they claim restricting "reproductive freedom" is "against our values."
    States that threaten abortion, the CEOs say, threaten "the health, independence, and economic stability of our employees and customers."
    "Equality in the workplace is one of the most important business issues of our time,” the ad goes on. “When everyone is empowered to succeed, our companies, our communities, and our economy are better for it.”
    “Restricting access," it continues, "to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, threatens the health, independence and economic stability of our employees and customers. Simply put, it goes against our values, and is bad for business.”
    The ACLU and Planned Parenthood rounded up the CEOs for the ad and produced the content — but without apparent regard for what any of the businesses, helmed by their own signatories, actually do or where they operate.